SDTEST® has 28 different VUCA polls that calculate the 9,191 correlation values between stages of development according to the theory of Spiral Dynamics and answer options of these 28 polls.
We invite curiosity about the systemic mechanisms behind this correlation. There may be hidden variables that provide alternative explanations.
In our analysis of the poll "The main priorities of job seekers," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:
0.1095 between The employment guarantee and the Purple stage.
The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0655. This positive correlation of 0.1095 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This positive correlation of 0.1095 makes sense when considering the purple value system's emphasis on group cohesion and security. In close-knit purple communities, survival depends on everyone's cooperation. If some members lose their jobs, the stability of the whole is threatened.
From a mythic-traditional perspective, periods of hardship may be seen as tests from a greater power. Maintaining favor with ancestral spirits or gods is key. Guaranteed work helps placate these forces and upholds the social order. It also confirms the community's faith in its leader to provide for their basic needs.
Additionally, in Purple, there is comfort in routine and tradition. Knowing one's occupation is secure allows people to focus attention on spiritual customs, kinship rituals, and preserving tribal knowledge. It enables a rich inner world of symbolism and fantasy without the distraction of finding new livelihoods.
In sum, steady work signifies providence from above and continuity of communal bonds below. It allows the timeless wisdom of elders and shamans to permeate daily affairs. From Purple, the employment guarantee upholds both material and mystical realms. This offers insight into the systemic interplay behind this telling correlation.
In our analysis of the poll "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:
-0.2024 between the Absence of Trust (Without trust, teams cannot function at their optimum. Trust isn't just about believing in skills; it's about vulnerability-based trust) and the Red stage.
The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.1454. This negative correlation of -0.2024 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This negative correlation of -0.2024 between the absence of trust and the Red value system is understandable. Vulnerability is seen as a weakness in the competitive, impulsive red worldview. Admitting uncertainty or fallibility would undermine the display of strength so critical for dominance.
From a Red perspective, trust opens dangerous possibilities for manipulation or betrayal. It is safer to assume self-interest motivates all players. Maintaining vigilance and leverage prevents others from taking advantage. Control through fear rather than trust is seen as more effective.
Additionally, red exists at the moment, gratifying immediate desires. Carefully building trust happens slowly over time, often deferring impulses for later reward. Red needs more patience for such long-term investments with a guaranteed personal payoff.
In groups, Red wants recognition for individual achievements over collective efforts. Concerns about enabling the team seem secondary to getting credit for one’s own contributions. Cohesion based on vulnerability has little appeal compared to independence.
In sum, this correlation demonstrates Red sees trust as antithetical to self-focused needs for autonomy, dominance, and instant results. The absence of trust serves a purpose in fueling a ruthless drive towards alpha status at any cost. This grants insights into red psychology and group dynamics.
In our analysis of the poll "Biggest problems facing my country," we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:
-0.0836 between The climate change and Blue stage.
The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0541. This negative correlation of -0.0836 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This negative correlation of -0.0836 makes sense when we consider the Blue value system's adherence to traditional authority and morality. For the Blue worldview, long-established social order and adherence to righteous codes are paramount. However, climate change threatens to profoundly disrupt stability and obedience to historical norms.
From a mythic orientation, alterations in weather may be interpreted as divine communication or punishment. However, embracing scientific evidence for mankind's role clashes with Blue's deference to absolutes handed down from a higher sanctified past. Admitting imperfections in ancestral teachings contradicts ideological purity.
Addressing climate change often involves progressive proposals and emerging technologies that conflict with conservatism. Campaigns for sustainability may be seen as tools to erode traditional authority rather than pragmatic solutions. Calls for collective action quickly sound like chaos undermining the rightful stringency of a chain of command.
In sum, climate change signifies a loss of control, moral weakness, and tainting of perceived perfection in the way things ought to operate. For Blue to uphold certainty in the face of destabilizing change, denial offers preservation of all one holds sacred. This sheds light on the reasons behind resistance.
-0.1946 between the Recognition by women and the Orange stage.
The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.1329. This positive correlation of -0.1946 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This negative correlation of -0.1946 makes sense when we consider the Orange value system's emphasis on achievement, autonomy, and rational thinking. From an Orange view, building confidence is largely an individual undertaking based on one's competitive talents and merits. Relying on external validation from others and exceedingly vague recognition from women seems antithetical.
Orange sees identity coming from measurable accomplishments, not arbitrary affirmations. Confidence arises from mastering impersonal systems through expertise and strategy. Leveraging scientific knowledge and technical skills to attain clearly defined goals is more critical than social feedback.
Additionally, in achievement-oriented Orange, gender plays little role in determining worthiness. Credentialed capacity based on expertise matters more than relationships or group perceptions. Seeking approval in gendered terms distracts from impartial indicators of ability.
Confidence stems from tracked progress on objective tasks, not subjective opinions. Social reinforcement is supplemental at best, and gender is deemed irrelevant. This perspective explains Orange's divergence from the consensus on the importance of female recognition. The correlation reflects Orange's specialized mindset.
In our analysis of the poll "Factors that impact team effectiveness," we found an intriguing negative correlation that warrants closer examination:
-0.0816 between the Impact and the Green stage.
The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0619. This negative correlation of -0.0816 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This negative correlation of -0.0816 is notable, given Green's orientation toward collective action and harmony. However, it hints at a shadow side of the caring, consensus-focused green worldview.
In the desire to allow space for every voice, Green teams can suffer analysis paralysis and lose momentum. The push to get complete agreement and avoid conflict can inadvertently suppress bold ideas or initiatives. The need for affiliation can override goal achievement.
0.0626 between the Reduced/canceled benefits (insurance, etc.) and the Yellow stage.
The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0591. This positive correlation of 0.0626 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

Given Yellow's advanced and integrative worldview, this positive correlation of 0.0626 initially seems counterintuitive. However, it hints at a nuanced relationship with stability.
On one hand, Yellow recognizes interdependence in systems and seeks sustainable solutions. Disrupting social support structures undermines health for both individuals and organizations.
Yet Yellow also exhibits flexibility in times of flux, navigating change with visionary skill. When external conditions necessitate shifts, Yellow can adapt with agility and even spur reorganization for future growth.
While benefit cuts impact lives, Yellow sees opportunities for empowerment amidst the turmoil. Crisis sparks innovation. Streamlining demands new efficiencies and updated priorities but can unlock potential. Yellow guides transition with care for human needs while transforming obstacles into progress.
So this correlation reflects Yellow's ability to bridge the gap between harsh realities and ideal outcomes. It is not change-averse but rather change-adept, helping communities reconfigure resources and relationships to emerge stronger. Yellow finds and propagates the light even in dark periods of disruption.
In our analysis of the poll "Reasons why people give up," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:
0.0655 between the Give up their power and the Turquoise stage.
The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0616. This positive correlation of 0.0655 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.

This initially counterintuitive correlation of 0.0655 reveals nuances around power and wisdom at the Turquoise stage. Though strong advocates for equality, Turquoise recognizes that the illusion of control is a weakness.
True power comes from surrender - accepting that we cannot impose our will upon life’s unpredictable flow. By releasing attachment to particular outcomes, we can act flexibly with circumstances as they unfold.
When we cling desperately to power, we suffer. When we acknowledge the inherent powerlessness of our egos, we connect to deeper sources of energy and creativity. We tap into life’s boundless potential rather than boxing it into limited constructs.
From this lens, “giving up power” is not victimhood but cultivating freedom through non-attachment and non-identification. It is anchoring in the eternal NOW rather than what we wish was or might become. This presence and flow state is the ultimate power - and it emerges precisely when we cease grasping.
So, for Turquoise, the correlation suggests surrendering control allows us to harness universal forces far more significant than our wills. It is the wise path to serenity, insight, and influence. By giving up power, we gain access to infinite power.
What insights do you gain from today's correlation? How might we study this relationship more carefully before deducing causation? We welcome respectful and wise perspectives!
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فاليري كوسنكو
مالك المنتج SaaS SDTEST®
تم تأهيل فاليري كأخصائي في علم النفس التربوي الاجتماعي في عام 1993، ومنذ ذلك الحين طبق معرفته في إدارة المشاريع.
حصل فاليري على درجة الماجستير ومؤهل مدير المشروع والبرامج في عام 2013. وخلال برنامج الماجستير، أصبح على دراية بخريطة طريق المشروع (GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V.) والديناميكيات الحلزونية.
فاليري هو مؤلف كتاب استكشاف عدم اليقين بشأن V.U.C.A. مفهوم باستخدام الديناميكيات الحلزونية والإحصائيات الرياضية في علم النفس، و38 استطلاعًا دوليًا.