bók byggir próf «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)


What is V.U.C.A.?

V.U.C.A. is an acronym that defines the conditions that affect organizations in a changing and complex world. It was designed to help us factor in the forces of change and uncertainty in our projects and businesses. V.U.C.A. stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. 

  • Volatility refers to the rate of change and churn in a business or situation. 
  • Uncertainty refers to the lack of predictability or high potential for surprise. In an uncertain environment, it would be difficult to create plans for the future that we're not based on a large number of assumptions that could turn out to be incorrect. 
  • Complexity refers to the high number of interrelated forces, issues, organizations, and factors that would influence the life and business. 
  • Ambiguity refers to the possibility of misunderstanding the conditions and root causes of events or circumstances.

How to apply V.U.C.A.?

It's a concept developed to deal with these forces in a changing and uncertain world. Businesses can apply the concept of V.U.C.A. as a tool for determining how best to approach business projects. Introducing certainty through SDTEST + correlation.

What is correlation?

Correlation is a term used in various fields of knowledge, including psychology, to denote the mutual correlation and correspondence of concepts and phenomena.

What is correlation dependence?

Correlation dependence is the changes that the values of one attribute contribute to the probability of different values of another attribute appearing.

What is a positive correlation?

It is when another accompanies an increase in one variable or when high values of one are associated with high values of another, and low values are associated with low values.

What does a positive correlation show?

The relationship between two variables can be as follows - when the values of one variable increase, the values of the other variable also increase. It is what a positive correlation coefficient shows.

What is a negative correlation?

It is when an increase in the other accompanies a decrease in one variable or when high values of one are associated with low values of the other, and low values are associated with high values.

What does a negative correlation show?

The relationship between two variables can be as follows - when the values of one variable decrease, the values of the other variable increase. It shows a negative correlation coefficient. Such variables are said to be negatively correlated.

What is correlation coefficient?

The correlation coefficient in mathematical statistics is an indicator characterizing the strength of the statistical relationship between two or more random variables.

Their common feature is that they reflect the relationship of two traits measured on a quantitative scale - rank or metric.

What is statistical significance?

Statistical significance is an assessment of whether an event is due to chance. If an outcome is statistically significant, it is unlikely to occur due to random events or fluctuations.

How does determine if a relationship is significant (credible)?

There is a threshold for determining statistical significance. The critical value of the correlation coefficient determines it. If the obtained value of the correlation coefficient is higher than the critical value, such correlation is considered to be statistically significant (reliable). 

How to use the tariff? 1. Create a Personal Account (here, you will need a valid email) and buy the ➡️ gjaldskrá «Könnun +».

2. Next you need to buy the tariff «V.U.C.A könnun hönnuður».

3. Go to «My tariffs» in the Menu and choose bookmark «Könnun +».

4. Choose the button «V.U.C.A.» under the bookmark «Könnun +».

5. Create a new poll.

6. Copy and share the link to the poll.

6.1. Buy the tariff «My Name Undirlén» if you want to personalise your link.

6.2. Buy the tariff «Merki My» if you want to increase awareness of your corporate or personal brand*.

* The user is solely and entirely responsible for complying with the legal requirements of the Copyright Treaty of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and the WIPO Copyright Treaty.

Reports of V.U.C.A. polls which SDTEST makes:

1) Aðgerðir fyrirtækja í tengslum við starfsfólk í síðasta mánuði (já / nei)

2) Aðgerðir fyrirtækja í tengslum við starfsfólk í síðasta mánuði (staðreynd í%)

3) Ótta.

4) Stærstu vandamálin standa frammi fyrir mínu landi

5) Hvaða eiginleikar og hæfileikar nota góðir leiðtogar þegar þeir byggja árangursrík teymi?

6) Google. Þættir sem hafa áhrif á teymisáhrif

7) Helstu forgangsröðun atvinnuleitenda

8) Hvað gerir yfirmann að frábærum leiðtoga?

9) Hvað gerir fólk farsælt í vinnunni?

10) Ertu tilbúinn að fá minni laun til að vinna lítillega?

11) Er aldurshyggja til?

12) Aldurshyggja á ferli

13) Aldurshyggja í lífinu

14) Orsakir aldurshyggju

15) Ástæður þess að fólk gefst upp (eftir Anna Vital)

16) Traust (#WVS)

17) Hamingjukönnun Oxford

18) Sálfræðileg vellíðan

19) Hvar væri næsta spennandi tækifæri þitt?

20) Hvað ætlar þú að gera þessa vikuna til að sjá um geðheilsu þína?

21) Ég lifi að hugsa um fortíð mína, nútíð eða framtíð

22) Meritocracy

23) Gervigreind og lok siðmenningarinnar

24) Af hverju frestast fólk?

25) Kynjamunur á að byggja upp sjálfstraust (IFD Allensbach)

26) Xing.com menningarmat

27) Patrick Lencioni „Fimm truflanir liðs“

28) Samkennd er ...

29) Hvað er mikilvægt fyrir það sérfræðinga í því að velja atvinnutilboð?

30) Af hverju fólk standast breytingar (eftir Siobhán McHale)

31) Hvernig stjórnarðu tilfinningum þínum? (eftir Nawal Mustafa M.A.)

32) 21 Færni sem borgar þér að eilífu (eftir Jeremiah Teo / 赵汉昇)

33) Raunverulegt frelsi er ...

34) 12 leiðir til að byggja upp traust með öðrum (eftir Justin Wright)

35) Einkenni hæfileikaríks starfsmanns (eftir hæfileikastjórnunarstofnun)

36) 10 lyklar til að hvetja liðið þitt

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